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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Every barrier to accessing the full curriculum will be removed for all boys


~ School Improvement Plan 2021-2023

SEND is provided for by every member of staff and in every lesson at West Hill School. The SEND department consists of the SENDCO, who is supported by the SEND Learning and Support Coordinator, the Learning Support and Transition Manager, and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). The SEND department works closely with the Behaviour Mentors, in the Emotional Support Unit, and the Emotional Health Officer (School Counsellor).

All students who have SEND will receive quality first teaching through the delivery of a broad, balanced, relevant, engaging and differentiated curriculum.  Students with SEND will receive additional support from the LSAs in the classroom or in the Learning Support Unit (LSU) depending on their area of need. The LSAs may also provide individual and small group teaching where appropriate.

West Hill School is proud to maintain its inclusive admissions policy and has built up secure relationships with its local primary schools. The SENDCo is available to attend EHCP reviews in Years 5 or 6, wherever possible, to ensure that the transition from Primary to Secondary school is an exciting and enjoyable experience for these students.

All students are encouraged to be involved in the extensive co-curricular activities provided by the school and support will be given where needed.

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Mr M O'Dowd, who can be contacted by ringing 0161 338 2193 or emailing

Tameside SEND Local Offer

The purpose of the Tameside SEND Local Offer is to provide a single place where families can access information, advice, support and services for children and young people (aged 0-25) with SEND.

The Local Offer is also a resource for professionals, volunteers and anyone involved in caring for or supporting young people with SEND.

Our Kids Eyes (OKE)

OKE are a parent run support group for families living in the Tameside area who have a child/young person with special needs/disability. They are a one-stop shop for families to get help, advice and support. They also offer families access to a range of activities and events throughout the year for the whole family.