Catering at West Hill School is provided by Taylor Shaw. Students can purchase and eat their food choices in the school canteen and the main hall. Both hot and cold food choices are available.
Menus are varied, and are rotated on a two-week cycle. Menus are also regularly updated throughout the year.
We offer a cashless catering system at West Hill School which means that no cash can be accepted at the till points in the school dining room. We use the payment system ParentPay. Accounts must be credited in order for students to make their purchases.
The machines in the canteen can also be used to add cash funds to students' accounts.
Students who qualify for free school meals will also use the ParentPay system. Their accounts will automatically be credited with the value allocated for free school meals each day, which they can then spend using the biometric system at lunchtime. Equally, students can top-up their balances, if desired, to enable them to purchase a snack before school or at morning break.