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GCSE Exams

Year 11 students sit their GCSE (or equivalent) Examinations in May and June.  Individual timetables will be issued to students during the week commencing 27th February 2024.

Summer 2024

The summer exam series for 2024 starts on 9th May and ends on 19th June. However, all students must be available up to, and including, 26th June, in accordance with the JCQ regulations.

For details about specific exam dates, please see the school calendar.

Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August 2024. Students are invited to collect their results from school on the day. Results will also be emailed to the student’s school email address, and they will also be posted to the home address of those who are unable to collect in person.

Results Day 2024 - FAQs for Students

RESULTS DAY FAQs – for students

How will I receive my GCSE results?

GCSE results will be published to your school email account at 9.30am on Thursday, 22nd August 2024. These results will only be accessible on your school email account until 30th August, so please remember to save a copy of your results for future reference.

You will also be welcome on to the school site between 9.30am and 12 noon on Thursday, 22nd August to collect a paper copy of your results from the School Hall. Your parent/carer is also welcome, but please note cars are not allowed on the school site at this time. If you decide not to collect your results in person, they will be posted to your home address on the afternoon of 22nd August. If you would like someone to collect them on your behalf, please provide a letter giving authorisation, signed by yourself. The person collecting them will need to show photographic ID. We are not allowed to give out results unless you make this request.

Have any questions or still need help if you are unhappy with the results?

There is a process for appeal if you are unhappy with your grade.

  • School will be closed after 12 noon on 22nd August until 2nd September, but you can email for the attention of Mrs Hemmings, Exams Officer.
  • On receipt of your enquiry, we will send a form for you to complete and return when school opens on 2nd September 2024.
  • The relevant Head of Department will check if they can support your request. If school cannot support this request, you may choose to pay for this service. Mrs Hemmings can provide the cost.
  • If you decide to request a review of marking, please be aware your grade may go down as well as up.
  • You must then return the completed and signed form (with payment if required) to Mrs Hemmings no later than 3.00pm on Friday, 20th September 2024.

My grades are lower/higher than I expected them to be.  What should I do?

Please contact your college/apprenticeship placement. You will have already received information from Mrs Appleby and they will be available to provide appropriate guidance and support.

Contact Information

The school Exams Officer is Mrs Hemmings, who is the point of contact for all matters relating to the examinations undertaken by students.

Mrs Hemmings can be contacted on 0161 338 2193 or on the school email -

West Hill School examination policies available on request include:

  • The West Hill School Exams Contingency Policy
  • NEA Policy
  • Internal Assessment for External Qualifications Appeals Procedure

Revision Hints and Tips

To help our students feel more confident during their exam time, we have produced a ‘Guide to Exams’ booklet.

Information included in this document includes practical information about timetables, equipment required and what to do in the event of an emergency.  Important information from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) is also included in this booklet.

Year 10 Mock Examinations Timetable 2024 

  • The Year 10 timetable is NOT suspended during the mock exam period.  Boys attend lessons as usual when they are not in exams.
  • Morning examinations.  Core exams - students are to go to their Period 1 lesson to be registered and escorted to the exam venue at 9.05am for a 9.15am start.  Option exams - students are to go straight to the exam venue at 9.05am.
  • Afternoon exams. Core exams - students go to Period 4 lesson at 12.55pm to be registered and escorted to the exam venue by staff.  Option exams - students are to go straight to the exam venue at 12.55pm.

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) -

Information for Candidates

Students must read through the information in the table below.  Hard copies are available from the Exams Officer on request.