Evaluation and Review
How we Measure and Assess the Impact of our Careers Programme
- External accreditation with Positive Steps. This involves an annual review and re-accreditation of the Quality in Careers Standard every three years
- Self-review using the Compass tool with measures progress towards meeting the Gatsby benchmarks
- Self-review against published guidance and statutory documentation
- Destination measures which are published annually.
- Student, parent and staff voice following events, careers fairs and workplace visits
- Feedback from employers, and visiting partners
- Evaluation of feedback from employers and participants in work experience
- Regular reviews with our GMACS advisor
- Peer reviews as part of the local Career Network
When we review our Careers Programme
- The planned programme of lessons is reviewed during June each year
- Our annual reviews are completed during the Summer term each year
- Evaluation and amendment of the careers programme of events takes place in September each year
- Our next full review of the Quality in Careers standard will be in 2024